We recommend a fall planting (after the first frost, but before the ground is frozen), for our wildflowers mixes and a spring planting (April to June depending on elevation) for our grass mixes. For mixes with both wildflowers and grasses, we recommend a fall planting. Prepare the seed bed by roughening the surface with a rake in order to create furrows approximately 1/8 – 1/4 inch deep. Many of our seeds are hairy and are easiest to hand broadcast rather than using a typical lawn seeder. Hand broadcast half of the seed while walking in one direction (e. g. north to south) and the other half in a perpendicular direction (e. g. east to west). After hand broadcasting, rake the area again and gently compact the soil using a lawn roller or similar device. Light compaction will greatly improve germination by providing seed-to-soil contact and improved moisture absorption. Mulch may be used and can greatly improve germination for plantings on dry sites. Use mulch that is weed free and use sparingly. In the spring, water the soil lightly (the soil should be kept moist but not soaked) at regular intervals until the seedlings have at least 2 sets of leaves. You may need to do this for 4-6 weeks. Next, water deeply and less frequently to promote deep root growth, approximately 1-2 inches every week or two. Sandy soil should be watered more frequently than clayey soil. Please remember that a garden of native perennials may take a while to fully mature (up to 3 years) but is well worth the wait! Please feel free to contact us with any questions.